Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Where's my snow?!?!?!

Ok, there is snow south of us and there is snow north of us. I want snow! Someone said something to me the other day that appears to be true. The only time we get snow is when it is not predicted. I guess I am just going to stop watching the weather. Then I won't be disappointed.

You know, the whole world revolves around predictions. Look at where the economy is right now. It is there partly because of speculators. When in graduate school, we spent hours and hours on forecasting and speculating on what might or could happen. For a very long time, those theories were right. But then the "winds" moved everything "south". (No offence, Bekki. :))

Every year we plan and plan for holidays, birthdays, and vacations. The best New Year's party we ever had happened on December 30 one year. We had visitors from Norway (Kim Ivan and Siv) and were having Mike and Wendy over. (They are our best friends; we play cards every weekend.) So we mentioned to Kim Ivan and Siv that we were having some friends over, maybe they would like to come, too. Then we called some other friends, Beth and Ron, and told them that we were having a few friends over that night. When you plan parties like this before "the" day, you can count on maybe half showing up. Well all eight of us were there. We had the best time! By 5am we were all moving to Norway. Kevin, Mike and Ron would work for Tunge A/S (Kim Ivan's construction co.) and us girls would bask in our husbands' good fortune! (Eating bon-bons and drinking Akavit! EEEW) That was in 2002. Mike and Wendy and Kevin and I still talk about that party and laugh. We had the best time ever! We never could have planned that fun of a party! This was a time when the "winds" were in our favor.

I guess that I can call that "wind" what it really is and say that it is the Will of God. There is a song by Van Zant, called "Get right with the Man" that has the words, "if you wanna to hear God laugh, tell Him your 'plans'". It is a good think that He is patient. So maybe what we should be resolving this new year is to make less plans and pray more.

We will get more snow. But for now, I guess we will have to go with what God wants. Besides, Kevin has the snowmobiles apart in the garage, anyway. ;)

Have a Happy and Blessed New Year!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I am a newbie!

Well, I have now reached the time in my life where I begin blogging. I have two friends who do and I like reading theirs and since I have never been at a loss for words, this seemed like the perfect place to express them.

The title of my blog is "My Three Sons". I have three boys; Erik is 17, Bradley is 13, and Tyler is 12. Bradley and Tyler are a year and four days apart. I thought that the only reason God would do this to me is so that I would get my girl. I guess not. When Tyler was born, I looked at Kevin and said (after I asked if all he could produce was boys) "We have a MY THREE SONS" cast. If some of you remember, in the 60's there was a sitcom titled, "My Three Sons". It was about a single father raising three boys alone. I used to love that show. Well, the term, "My Three Sons" has become my world.

I am a firm believer that there should be support groups for mothers of three boys. Our lives are truly different from those who have all girls or a mixture of girls and boys. At least in my case, our lives revolve around anything with wheels or skis, or any sport with a ball. Thank goodness Kevin is not a hunter or fisherman, or I would have to deal with that too. Although, Tyler has begun to love hunting and fishing. That's what Uncles are for, right.

Erik is seventeen. Wow. With the "full-blown" teenage years come a flurry of situations that boggle my mind. We go from loving basketball to hating basketball. We like this girl, no, we like THIS girl. We want a truck, no, we are going to "pimp" our car. AAHH! So, there is never a dull moment there. But his dad can still kick his 6'3", 198 lb butt!

Bradley is thirteen. While just being 13 would be enough to blog about for days, he also is BiPolar, ADHD, OCD, & ODD. Thank God I work at a pharmacy, or we would have no money! Copays on Bradley's meds each month would be in excess of $250.00. Then there is the Psychiatrist bill and the trips to Eau Claire every few months. (Since St. Croix County, nor Dunn County have a Psychiatrist who sees kids with BiPolar Disorder.)

Tyler is my baby. At twelve he is much bigger than Bradley. That is a continual issue with Bradley. He will find a pic from when he and Tyler were little and say, "Hey, I was taller than Tyler there!" Tyler is the easy-going one in the bunch. He may be mad sometimes, but he gets over it after about 10 minutes. Erik and Bradley let that anger hang around awhile.

Well, that, in a nutshell, is My Three Sons. I will have to close now. Work is calling.